Monday, November 01, 2010

November Goal

I've really gotten out of the habit of updating the blog, I'm hoping to update more frequently in November. I originally thought I would make a goal to update every day during this month but I think that may be a bit of a stretch. 

Jack is seriously Super Baby. I have never had a three month old that will sleep 11 straight hours at night. It's not always 11 hours but he always sleeps through the night. I feel like a new woman. 

The girls and I have been "playing school" a lot lately. Kendall has started to read a little bit and Kate can write her name now. We've even changed an area of our basement into a school room. We love having all our educational materials gathered into one area but I really hate how dark it is down there, I've considered giving up my office (or at least reconfiguring it) to be the school room. I haven't committed to that yet! Our list of school supplies that we want is growing by the day. Right now we really want a US and World map and cork boards to put them on so we can learn where everyone we love lives!

Today we gathered some leaves and stuff to practice drawing. Anytime we sit down to do a project it always grows and morphs into a different project. I love providing jumping off points for the girls and watching where their imaginations take them.

We've been making new friends at our new preschool. We had friends (twins) come for dinner and trick-or-treating last night and next weekend we are having other friends (also twins!) come for dinner. The girls are loving it, they told me so many times today that yesterday was so much fun! 


  1. I am super glad you are blogging again. :) Miss you girls.
