Sunday, July 09, 2006

Spunky Monkey Gets a Haircut

This post is a warning: However fun brainless reading can be it can also be very depressing. DO NOT read "Trading Up" by Candace Bushnell.

I picked it up at the YMCA (they have a 'trade em out bookcase) and it really depressed me. It was so superficial and shallow. However, I did not stop there after that I read "Shopaholic Ties the Knot" which was very funny but still slightly depressing. So now I'm going to focus on my two non-fiction books "Love and Respect" & "The Tipping Point" (with a little brainless reading at the beach thrown in for a well rounded reading diet).

Kendall had her haircut this week. I like it more and more but I'm still a little sad about the bangs. We've gotten a few comments from people saying that she looks like one of the Olsen twins from their Full House days.

Note: some of you may have noticed the comments from my last post. When Brian saw the title of my book he laughed as though it was the funniest thing he had ever seen. From that point on everything was 'Shopaholic this' and ' Shopaholic that' ex: Shopaholic goes to the zoo, Shopaholic get groceries...well, I think Brian looks like Curious George thus the "Curious George Goes to Harvard" comment. What book title would your life be??


  1. Don't worry....the Olsens grew up to be beautiful girls! Hee hee. Just kidding, she looks adorable!!!

  2. "Curious George poops his pants."

    The Olsen twins are hot and they seem to not be freaks like the rest of the child stars. Kendall will be fine.

  3. That is a good one Justin, maybe Brian would like to explain that one?

    How about "Sho-long goes to a butterfly exhibit"


  5. Fuji drinks a Wiedemann, but no one else does.
