Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Really Big Girl

Yippee, I had an ultrasound today and Kate is great! She is actually measuring farther along then her age (by 4 days). She weighs about 3 1/4 pounds and is in the 57th percentile. Okay, the 57th percentile thing really cracks me up since Kendall just now reached the 3rd percentile. It really is amazing to see that little baby on the screen, to simultaneously see and feel the movements. She has turned and is already in the head down position. I knew that she had turned recently because up until last week I was feeling kicks on the side of my stomach and now it is more at the top and bottom. Her little knees were up by her chin and her hands were in front of her face. The technician tried to get a 3D picture for me but she wouldn't move her hands. I know this sounds silly but really I think that she looked like Kendall! So on the way home I called family to tell them the happy news. I laughed and was happy telling my family but I started to cry on Ron and Susan's answering machine, I don't know why it made me emotional. I'm just so relieved and happy.

This picture isn't very clear, our scanner isn't hooked up so th

is is just a picture of a picture. You can see her little profile: forehead, nose, & lips. Too cute


  1. Hey Ashley!
    wow, so exciting! what a little cutie! those percentages are so silly.

  2. Looks like Kendall to me! Very cute :)

  3. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Oh My GOSH!! I am so excited!! It is getting so close! I am so happy for you Aunt Ashley! If she does look anything like Kendall at all then she will be GORGEOUS!! I love you all!

  4. Anonymous4:18 PM

    So tomorrow is your birthday and I just wanted to tell you that i love you and that I hope you have a fantastic day!! I hope everything is great tomorrow!!
