Friday, December 07, 2007

Lucky Guess?

Kendall and I are constantly discussing numbers, letters, and colors, we have not begun to work on days of the week though . Today, however, I was astounded to see her do this! It was an eerie but completely lucky guess...or she is a genius?


  1. I think Kate must have helped her.

  2. I vote genius :)

  3. The experts at my school think you have a calendar with this somewhere and she really does know the pattern. They kind of said genius too..... or at the very least, an excellent memory for patterns.

    Either the aove two or as Brian said, Kate helped her!

  4. I vote Genius.

    Your kids are amazing!

  5. I don't get it. What word is "Def Opq"? Sounds like something Fuji would try to use in Scrabble. You might want to get her evaluated.

  6. Let me just clarify a little. Kendall and I put the ABC's in order together. She put the days of the week magnets in order by herself.
